Dungeon World Character Creator

Dungeon world bard character sheet

Having started out several Dungeon World games, one thing that I think may grow stale is the starting bonds. Nov 22, 2020 update: While originally written for Dungeon World, the following Random Bond generator works well for Dungeons and Dragons: Fifth Edition (5E 🔍). Roll 1d20 for each of the four columns.

  1. A pay-what-you-want solo adventure, by Ashley Warren. Soldra is a beautiful, ancient city, flanked by sea and mountain and lit by the sun as if blessed by the gods themselves. But its beauty comes with a price. After a tumultuous history fighting dragons that attacked and looted the city, the superstitious citizens of Soldra make an annual.
  2. Making Dungeon World characters is quick and easy. You should all create your first characters together at the beginning of your first session. Character creation is, just like play, a kind of conversation—everyone should be there for it. You may need to make another character during play, if yours gets killed for example.
Mar 3rd, 2014
WorldDragonsDungeon World Character Creator
Dungeon world character creator free
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  1. CHARACTER CREATION: Welcome back! Time to get into the fun stuff. Time to make your character. If you have a pretty clear idea of what character you want to play as, great, power to you- you can get into picking a class out and following the instructions from there. If not, don't worry. Just follow the steps.
  2. 1. Choose a Class. The full list of classes is here, with a short summary of each. (http://pastebin.com/fpShUHT0) To start with, everyone should be a different class. If two people want to play the same class, talk it out like the mature, responsible adults you a(ry
  3. 2. Choose a Race. Some classes have race options. Unfortunately, you can't mix and match all the races with all the classes, just to keep things simple. Each race has a unique racial move. For example, an Elven Wizard can cast Detect Magic for free, while a Human Wizard can cast a Cleric spell as if it was a Wizard spell.
  4. 3. Choose a Name. If you need suggestions, I can give them to you. Try to fit into the typical high-fantasy-sounding norm.
  5. 4. Choose Look. Inside the Class document, there are categories (e.g., hair, body type), and options per category. Choose one per, as fits your character.
  6. 5. Choose Stats. Your character starts with the following stat block. Pick out the Moves you think will be especially useful, and allocate each stat based on that.
  7. 6. Set HP. You start with however much your class gets, plus Constitution.
  8. 7. Choose Starting Moves. Some classes have a choice in the moves they get- Fighters get to decide how they want their Signature Weapon to look, Mages choose their Focus, and so on. Make those choices now, as fits your character.
  9. 8. Choose Alignment, as fits your character.
  10. 9. Choose Gear. Inside the document for your Class, there's a selection of things you can choose from. Choose whatever you think is most useful / best fits your character.
  11. 10. You're done! For a sample, look here: http://pastebin.com/d1Kk80eB
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Dungeon World Character Builder

Having started out several Dungeon World games, one thing that I think may grow stale is the starting bonds.

Roll 1d20 for each of the four columns.

Dungeon World Character Creator Online

Table 18: Random Dungeon World Bonds; roll 1d20 for each column
1________ has much to teach me aboutthe ridiculousness ofangeredheirloom
2________ insulted me byalways calling outknightlyreputation
3________ misunderstands me aboutalways pushing forgoldendreams
4________ owes mealways relying onbloodbrother
5I am bound to ________ fornever acceptingarcanewealth
6I blame ________ fornever believing inbitterargument
7I lied to ________ aboutnever forgettingholysanctuary
8I rescued ________ fromnever learning fromillicitgifts
9I respect ________ forrunning a con onfamilyhonor
10________ may not know it, but I stole from them forrunning away witheternalsecrets
11I travel with ________ as we both seek knowledge aboutspeaking poorly ofking'sauthority
12I implicitly trust ________ forthe ritual offorbiddenknowledge
13I will convince ________ aboutbeing central tonoblecorruption
14I will protect ________ fromavoiding tragicprimalfaith
15I have much to teach ________ aboutalways believing inguildfriendship
16________ must forget aboutnever yielding todiabolicviolence
17I will help ________, they are destined forspeaking highly ofpropheticramblings
18I will learn ________'s secret aboutthe destruction ofnature'svisions
19________ is untrustworthy because of their role inthe creation ofapostaticmagic
20I will sooth ________'s concerns about my involvement inthe dangerous allure oflecherousadvances

Dungeon World Character Creation

Of course this is just a quick relationship builder, which means it should have a larger application than just Dungeon World.