DRM can deliver FM-comparable sound quality, but on frequencies below 30 MHz (long wave, medium wave and short wave), which allow for very-long-distance signal propagation. VHF is also under consideration, under the name 'DRM+'. DRM has been designed especially to use portions of older AM transmitter facilities such as antennas, avoiding major new investment. DRM is robust against the fading and interference which often plagues conventional broadcasting on these frequency ranges.
The encoding and decoding can be performed with digital signal processing, so that a cheap embedded computer with a conventional transmitter and receiver can perform the rather complex encoding and decoding.
Easypal Digital Sstv Programs
As a digital medium, DRM can transmit other data besides the audio channels (datacasting) — as well as RDS-type metadata or program-associated data as Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) does. Unlike most other DAB systems, DRM uses in-band on-channel technology and can operate in a hybrid mode called Single Channel Simulcast, simulcasting both analogue signal and digital signal.
Digital Mode Software In this section we will look at some of the more common software, used for SSTV, RTTY, Etc. Programs like EasyPal, MMSSTV, MMTTY and possibly a few more. We will look at some of the common mistakes made when setting up these programs, And some tips to better your chances of receiving these types of signal. DSSTV (Digital Slow Scan Television) For DSSTV i am using my FT847 or my SDR with the EasyPal Software. Most activity is on 14.233 MHZ or 7.058 MHZ. EasyPal is a freeware DSSTV software which uses the DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) encoding to allow the sending of image files over voice channels. KB4QEX from Orlando Florida sending pictures over the low bands. Simple reception using the EasyPal program and a microphone plugged into the computer.
So you have operated CW and SSB and PSK31 ... Want to try a different mode?
How about Slow Scan TV?
If you have been running PSK31 the extra cost is ZERO $'s
In the next two weeks I will be adding step by step instructions on how to use this mode running this software.
My first SSTV exchange was last week and I exchanged photos with W2SY
in New York from my RV sitting in Wal-Mart's Parking lot running 30 watts on 20 m.
As I am able to get screen shots and post then here you can see what a Newbie's first contact looked like.
Input photo can be as simple as a snapshot from you lowest end digital camera or a piece of original 'artwork' from your PC
Start with a 300X256 size jpg and go from there.
Easypal Digital Sstv Program Free
You will need:
CQ SSTV photo
Signal Report Photo
Easypal Digital Sstv Programs
Signoff photo
OR they can all be the same photo ... nothing fancy about it!
Easypal Digital Sstv Software
Install MMSSTV, by running the install program. (example assumes you are already setup with hardware for PSK31 type interface I use the SignaLink USB ... to avoid changing the soundcard setting on my PC)
Size your picture or pictures 300X256 pixels and save WITH A NEW NAME (so you do not overwrite the old file)
Run MMSSTV and go to the XXXX tab
Select photo XXXXX
Tune your transceiver to 14.230 (for this example on 20 meters)
Set power as needed for SSB contact
After you reach someone on voice SET YOUR Transceiver's power somewhere in the 25 to 35 watt IF it can stand extended transmission at this power setting.
Select the Transmit tab in MMSSTV software.
Select Transmit and wait until it is finished
Feedback on your transmission and maybe even some helpful hints will be coming your way ...
Select Receive tab and when the other station(s) transmit the default settings will Automatically select the SSTV protocol in use. Scottie seems to be the one most often seen ... this is based on my VAST experince of 2 QSO's and exchanges on SSTV :>)
You will find the flow most often used, Example:Sending CQ, Send Signal report or sending signal report and an inset of what you received from them .. NOTE Signal report is RSV format not RST
When you enter the other stations call and info into the log area the templates will fill in with the entered info.